War Relief Updates - September 15, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. Anton, a member of the church with an outreach to the military base in Goncharovsk, Ukraine (near the Belarusian border), shared an interesting story. Last Sunday, he wore a tee shirt that proclaims, “My God Is Real.” He was standing at a bus stop when a newly recruited soldier approached him. After reading Anton’s tee shirt, the soldier said, “You must be a believer.” Anton replied that he is. Next, the soldier (named Sergei) said, “I am too. Can you tell me where I can find a Bible-preaching church around here?” Anton rejoiced. “Come with me,” he said. “I’m going there now!” Praise God for a church established in this needy place where soldiers being deployed to the war can receive strength from God’s Word and fellowship with believers! (We’ll post a photo of Anton with Sergei on BIEM’s Facebook page.)

2. Thank you for praying for Sasha Petrenko’s delayed trip to the war front to deliver relief supplies for civilians and soldiers in Zaporizhia. Sasha reports that this effort took place and that God protected the 4 men and 2 vehicles who undertook this dangerous journey. Along with much food, this delivery included tools, chainsaws, insulated canisters for transporting food, a vehicle for transporting wounded soldiers, and other practical items.

3. On the trip mentioned in #2 above, Sasha had many opportunities to share Christ and pray with soldiers who are involved in the intensive counteroffensive taking place. The New Testaments he distributed to these soldiers feature camouflage covers, which was a nice touch for these men. A young soldier named Artyom was especially glad to see Sasha. Artyom had been reached through the church’s camping and youth ministries. Now he says that everything he had heard from the Word of God and hidden in his heart has become very real and precious during his deployment. Praise God!

4. In this week’s video update, several BIEM missionaries in Ukraine and their volunteers thank American believers for the latest shipment of aid received and give glimpses of the contents as they unload it. You can view that brief video at this link:


5. As many of you know, even though men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave Ukraine, the Ukrainian government has made an exception for pastors who are invited to the West for religious purposes. So far, we have been able to obtain that special approval for several of our church planters. Therefore, we have had a steady stream of Ukrainian church planters coming to the United States to speak in churches. They have been a huge blessing to American believers, who are glad to receive firsthand reports of how God is using our war-relief efforts to reach souls. Yesterday we began the application process for such exemptions for church planters we hope to have with us next month. However, it turns out that the requirements have changed and the paperwork is now more complicated. Please pray that the two applications we are submitting under the new requirements will be accepted.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM