War Relief Updates - September 8, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. Last week we requested prayer regarding Sasha Petrenko’s plans to deliver a load of items to the embattled area of Zaporizhia where many soldiers from the Goncharovsk military base (where Sasha lives and ministers) are stationed. The commander had called and asked that Sasha and his team postpone the trip because heavy fighting would endanger the convoy. This trip is on again; Sasha hopes to leave tomorrow. Please pray for him and the others making this trip, that God would keep them all safe.

2. In the military city of Desna, Igor Fomichov reports that they are continuing to see fruit from their local war-relief distributions. Some recipients end up visiting the church and trusting Christ. The church is now planning another baptism. One of the new converts is a lady who had evacuated to a nearby village with her invalid husband. Igor took them supplies and groceries. They were astounded that anyone would do such a thing and expressed openness to hear the Gospel. Praise God, the wife received Christ, is now regularly attending the services, and is one of those preparing for baptism!

3. In a recent interview with The Associated Press, the head of the International Rescue Committee observed that the amount of humanitarian aid given for Ukraine is far below last year’s giving. BIEM has noticed the same truth. When Russia first invaded Ukraine, people worldwide were outraged and gave to aid the victims of shelling, missiles, tank fire, etc. But in 2023, people in the West are accustomed to knowing part of Ukraine is occupied, that warfare continues there. The shock and outrage have largely worn off. In an interview, Sergiy Shaptala—pastor of Ukraine’s largest Baptist church—addresses the issue of declining aid even as the needs are mounting. You can see that short video here:


4. It has been reported that Ukraine’s President Zelensky is considering signing into law a measure that would reduce the age of those exempt from being drafted due to being enrolled in university studies down to 30. (Currently, citizens of any age enrolled in university classes are exempt from military service.) Such a change would certainly affect some members of our churches in Ukraine, so there is a great deal of concern about this possibility.

5. With summer camps concluded, our camps statistics for this year are in and—praise God—we are glad to report that our Ukrainian personnel conducted over 50 different camps with a total of 3,712 campers attending. Many of these campers were war refugees. A good number of churches conducted more than one camp, holding various camps for different age groups. They also organized a good number of camps in nearby villages. We praise God that, even during this time of war, BIEM had opportunities to conduct so many camps where many youths accepted Christ and made many other life-changing decisions.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM