War Relief Updates - June 16, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. A couple of weeks ago, BIEM personnel and volunteers loaded a 40-ft. high-cube container with war relief for churches for shipment to Ukraine. Much of this cargo consists of gently used, donated clothing and shoes, but it also includes supplies for churches, along with, for example, large donations of foodstuffs such as macaroni and cheese from Widow’s Jar Ministries. On June 9th, the ship carrying this container left port, and it is due to arrive in Poland on June 29th. From there, it will be trucked across the border into Ukraine and eventually to the Kyiv area. Please pray for a smooth passage through customs so that the churches in the Kyiv area will soon be able to receive and distribute the nearly 30 tons of aid in this container.

2. The destruction of the Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine swept away homes, farmlands, and lives. It’s a major catastrophe for the residents, for the ecology, and even for people nowhere near that area since it ruined crops that were ripening in farm fields. Once again, BIEM personnel are mobilizing to aid victims. In the following video, BIEM church planter Sasha Petrenko shares part of how believers from his area are responding.


3. Sasha Petrenko is just one of several of our folks who have quickly mobilized efforts to help those suffering in the Kherson area due to the Russian attack on the dam. This week our folks in Kyiv, Bilogorodka, Zdolbuniv, and Ternopil have likewise launched efforts to help those suffering in Kherson. Others are gathering supplies to transport as there is a huge need for food, water, and medicine as well as other equipment and supplies.

4. Praise God, our first three summer camps went well. Our war-relief efforts have certainly increased local Ukrainians’ interest in the camps as the testimonies of the churches have risen in their communities. These first three summer camps in Kyiv, Lytvynivka, and Smolin definitely benefited from our war-relief activities.

5. Last week we mentioned that pastors Eugene Buyko and Igor Fomichov from Ukraine are with us in the US through most of this month and are traveling to churches for the purpose of raising War Relief funds. We are glad to report that these meetings are going well. However, Eugene’s and Igor’s hearts are often heavy from the reports they continuously receive that Russia has increased its air attacks on Kyiv, which is where both of these men are from. Things were relatively quiet when they left Ukraine. However, the near daily attacks weigh heavily on their hearts as they are very concerned for their families. In May alone, Russia is said to have launched at Kyiv approximately 7 “Kinzhal” hypersonic missiles, 13 Iskander ballistic missiles, 65 cruise missiles of various types, and 169 Shahed drones. Please pray that God will continue to protect their loved ones.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM