War Relief Updates - June 9, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. As has been widely reported in the media, on June 6 an explosion occurred on the Nova Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine, unleashing an amount of water equivalent to Utah’s Great Salt Lake. In the biggest ecological disaster in Europe in decades, flood waters have engulfed villages, destroyed farm fields, and left untold thousands of Ukrainians without clean drinking water. As soon as BIEM learned of these events, we transferred funds to various BIEM personnel in Ukraine who can mobilize food and supplies for this suffering area. Combined war reliefh and evangelism efforts focusing on that Kherson district are now underway. Please pray for these outreaches, not only that they will ease people’s physical misery but that they will lead to hearts embracing Christ as Savior.

2. As a result of the destruction of the dam mentioned above, Ukrainian officials predict another wave of refugees, which will be difficult for Ukraine to accommodate. Several of our churches have made their facilities available for displaced persons who had to abandon their homes. The major parcel shipping company in Ukraine has announced it will not charge for war-relief parcels shipped to Kherson. Many of our people are preparing such parcels of aid. We certainly can use more gifts to BIEM’s War Relief fund to take advantage of this opportunity.

3. Our newest church plant in Druzhba reaches out especially to refugees who have fled to this western Ukraine area. As the church prepares to baptize 7 new believers, we want to update you on Sasha, the young man whose parents vehemently opposed his new faith in Christ. Their hostile reaction was so extreme that Sasha stopped attending services. Recently, however, he resumed attending all services despite must displeasure from his parents. He is also attending new believer classes for those planning to be baptized. Although he would very much like to be baptized with this group, he and the church are praying for his parents to have a change of heart on this matter. Please pray for Sasha and his parents.

4. Every church planted by BIEM in Ukraine—indeed nearly all churches in that country—has members, relatives, and friends serving in the military, many of them in active combat positions at the front. Therefore, believers in Ukraine are quite active in sending war relief to these loved ones and upholding them in prayer. Of course, the obvious prayer is for God’s protection in battle. But the most important prayers are for the Lord to draw the souls of these soldiers to Himself. And God is answering. To learn more, click the following link, where BIEM’s Director for Ukraine shares about prayers for family members at the front:


5. During the early days of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, friends of BIEM provided an extremely generous outpouring of financial support. However, during the months when the media provided less coverage, donations for War Relief dropped significantly. Whatever the reason, we need a continuing supply of War Relief funds since the needs continue and responding to physical needs automatically creates wonderful opportunities to proclaim the Gospel. Can you help? (Or if not, would you pray for the Lord to touch the hearts and pocketbooks of those who can?)

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM