War Relief Updates - May 5, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. Praise God, we have received generous War Relief contributions from friends in Canada. If you have any contacts in Canada, please consider sharing with them that Canadians, too, can contribute to BIEM’s War Relief efforts. (We can provide instructions on how to do so if they wish their donations to be tax deductible).

2. Another reason to praise the Lord is the ministry of Revival Baptist Church in the Obolon area of Kyiv. This is one of the first churches established by BIEM after Ukraine gained independence. It has been self-supporting for many years and has grown to be an amazing church in a strategic location of the Obolon district, which has 400,000 residents. The church’s immediate neighbors are the court building, the city administrative offices, the prosecutor’s office, the fire department, the police department, a music conservatory, and a teachers institute! It has been a blessing for us to help this church with their war-relief efforts. Click the following link to view a recent video about this outreach:


3. In May and June, we are planning once again to host a couple of our Ukrainian church planters whom we are scheduling in churches for the purpose of raising funds for Ukrainian war relief. Please pray that Igor Fomichov and Eugene Buyko will be able to obtain the special permission needed to leave Ukraine temporarily during this time when men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not normally allowed to exit that country.

4. On April 21, we posted a video about the increased number of Ukrainian men who are slipping into depression during wartime and getting hooked on drugs and alcohol. To address the needs of such men, before the war we had purchased a larger, unfinished building to house the Christian Rehabilitation Center in Desna, Ukraine. Due to the war, we halted work to make the structure habitable. However, the growing number of men with addictions convinced us this facility is needed now more than ever. We praise God that a generous gift from a Sunday school class in Elkhart, Indiana—plus some other gifts—has provided funds to continue this project. In fact, the work to make this building habitable has resumed. You can view the video about this ministry via this link:


5. BIEM’s war relief efforts extend beyond the actual borders of Ukraine. By God’s grace, we have aided Ukrainian war refugees in such European countries as Poland, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland, plus a number who have come to the United States. Some refugees have ended up in one of the restricted Muslim countries in Asia. One BIEM church planter there reports, “We also started helping orphans from Ukraine. At the beginning of the war, orphanages were evacuated from Ukraine (about 2,000 children); 600 orphans settled in our region. We help them with food, clothes, shoes, and some materials for schooling.”

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM