War Relief Updates - April 28, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. One of the highlights of our ministry last year was that most of our locations in Ukraine were able to have summer camp despite the war. Thousands attended with hundreds of salvation decisions. We have a 22-page report concerning last year’s camps available upon request. Once again, even though the war continues, our people in Ukraine are planning for summer camps. As they are currently making preparations, they tell us that in some locations 70% of the campers will be refugees!

2. Along with some others, brother Pasha Usach has returned from distributing aid to the Kherson area. One of the towns where they distributed was Archangelske, near the city of Kherson, which had been occupied for a time. The residents were extremely glad to receive the aid, which included a large quantity of vegetables, especially potatoes. They were very surprised that people from the other side of Ukraine would travel so far to help them. The town mayor came to thank them and invited them for tea, which gave them an opportunity to get to know them better. Our men learned that when the Russians were advancing, locals were able to escape by crossing the river on wooden boats. The head of the school there also spoke with Pasha and his team, asking for children’s Bibles, which Pasha will certainly provide. Brother Pasha and the volunteers with him plan to return soon with more aid, including windows for the homes there that were damaged from the fighting.

3. Last week, we shared how a woman in the church in Lviv, Ukraine, was featured on a Ukrainian TV program called Super Mama and had a chance to speak about her faith in Christ. Since then, the same television program offered a similar invitation to a lady from the church in Kyiv with whom we partner for our seminary and several church-planting projects. That broadcast has yet to be aired. Praise God for another opportunity to share the Gospel with a large audience!

4. Another continuation from last week: On April 21, I shared how I’d had the privilege of speaking and playing my trumpet in an evangelistic outreach using war relief for widows in Bilogorodka, Ukraine. And while such outreaches are a blessing to be involved in, I realize that written descriptions do little to “bring it alive” for readers who were not there. So BIEM has created a brief video that will give you some inside glimpses into that event. There’s no translation, except for some special words of thanks at the end, but I believe you’ll find it interesting to get an inside peek by clicking the following link:


5. In our February 3rd War Relief Updates, we told you about a young man named Bogdan. Bogdan is the man who placed his trust in Christ at the Desna Christian Rehabilitation Center. He had been growing in Christ and helping to distribute war relief but then was drafted into the Ukrainian military. BIEM’s Igor Fomichov just now informed us that Bogdan has been reported as seriously injured in battle. He has been hospitalized. Please pray for this young man, both for his spiritual and physical strengthening.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM