War Relief Updates - November 22, 2024
Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People
1. Last winter, your financial gifts blessed 1,650 Ukrainian soldiers with warm clothing and New Testaments. Once again, we are offering you an opportunity to supply $100 worth of warm clothes and God’s Word for soldiers on the line in Ukraine. This time, we aren’t setting a specific dollar amount as a goal, but we will forward whatever amount arrives for churches to use as opportunities to bless others and to share God’s Word.
2. BIEM has received some exciting news. A donor has stepped forward with a matching-funds offer: Every dollar that BIEM receives for our War Relief outreach will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000! This offer includes the Warm Clothing outreach mentioned above, and it extends through the end of 2025. In other words, each gift you give toward War Relief will automatically double until the $100,000 is reached. Praise God!
3. Through your gifts of humanitarian aid, BIEM missionaries have established relationships with various hospitals and charities. In this short video, BIEM's director for Ukraine, Eugene Buyko, introduces administrators of 2 different organizations in the Kyiv region that you have blessed with aid and the Gospel:
4. A couple of weeks ago, we requested prayer that Igor Fomichov would be able to obtain all necessary permissions and documents to be allowed to leave Ukraine for War Relief meetings we have scheduled in churches for the month of December. Another benefit is that his presence would allow Igor to help load our next container of war relief bound for Ukraine. Praise God, today he received these documents! This news comes just in time since he leaves on Monday. Please pray that Igor does not have any issues crossing the border, since the border guards do have the authority to deny exit despite a traveler possessing all necessary documents. Our readers may remember that on a previous trip the border guards did not want to let him exit into Poland. Only because Igor was able to enlist the help of the mayor of Desna in the middle of the night did they let him through.
In Christ,
Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM