War Relief Updates - November 8, 2024
Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People
1. Thank you, everyone who prayed for Pasha Usach’s brother Alexei, who was picked up and taken to a military processing center. After gathering various documents that normally would exempt him from military service (for example, he has a document verifying that he has an invalid child who is dependent on his assistance), he was told that his case would be decided in the next day or two. When Pasha and Alexei arrived with Alexei’s documents, they learned that every person who met with the officials and presented documents that should have exempted them were nevertheless shipped off somewhere to receive 30 days of training before being dispatched to the front—and with no opportunity to go home first. Upon learning this, they decided to simply leave as soon as it was possible to exit without being detected. Obviously, this is a risky move with unknown consequences. However, Alexei and Pasha felt that this was his best option. Therefore, please continue praying for Alexei in this situation.
2. On November 13, 14, and 15 an out-of-town pastor’s wife has volunteered to come and spend those 3 days sorting, folding, and packing clothing donations that are overflowing our warehouse. She doesn't mind working alone, but more hands would speed up the job next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. If you might like to help for a day or even a few hours, please call our office (317-718-1633) for further information. Thanks for considering it!
3. For the second time, Sofia Buyko and her daughters traveled from Ukraine to Denmark, where they aided and evangelized a community of Ukrainian refugee women. At least one woman who had initially been cold and unreceptive softened and changed her attitude by the end of their presentation. In the following brief video, they share about that experience:
4. In one of our recent publications we wrote that our practice of bringing Ukrainian pastors to the United States to boost our war relief efforts by sharing the need with churches and supporters has been put on hold due to the military escalating efforts to conscript ordained pastors. However, since Igor Fomichov has connections and standing that others do not have, he has volunteered to come since we urgently need to send another container now that our warehouse is overflowing. Lord willing, he will come at the end of this month. Please pray that he can obtain all necessary permissions and be allowed to leave Ukraine for this purpose.
In Christ,
Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM