War Relief Updates - August 18, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. A good amount of medical supplies and equipment is always included in our container shipments of aid to Ukraine. This is possible because of generous supplies of items we receive from donors who contribute everything from stethoscopes to adult diapers. Occasionally we receive a hospital bed. These are huge blessings to people in Ukraine. When possible, aid items get recycled over and over again in Ukraine as our folks get these to families in need who, when they are finished using, are glad to pass an item on to another family. Just recently, folks in Minnesota made available an extra nice, almost-new hospital bed that originally cost $7,000. Now, because of war casualties among military and civilians alike, such items are needed more than ever before. Praise God for this wonderful provision!

Sometimes people ask us, “What kind of equipment is needed most?” Our answer is probably wheelchairs. This is a continuing need in Ukraine. So if you have access to a new or used wheelchair, please consider donating it for Ukraine. Along with those, crutches, canes, and aluminum walkers are always needed. It has been a blessing to receive many of these, which we are always glad to ship to Ukraine. (One time, a visitor stopped by and noticed a large number of walkers, crutches, and canes that had been dropped off to our warehouse in a disorderly fashion. A little embarrassed at the jumble, I jokingly told the visitor, “Sorry about the mess; this always happens after we have a healing service!”)

3. This week’s video concerning war relief focuses on the Christian Rehabilitation Center near Ternopil, Ukraine. That ministry (operated by the local church) has freed many men from addictions to alcohol and drugs. In turn, those men are assisting in BIEM’s war relief efforts. To learn more, please click the following link:


4. As many of you know, the Slobodians have recently returned from a trip to Ukraine, where they helped in summer camps. Each camp included a significant number of refugees. Following is a link to a video about this trip that will be BIEM’s monthly video for August. If you do not receive these monthly presentations, you can subscribe on our website. In the meantime, you can view this video, which has a war relief element to it and ends with a sample of what it is like to be in Ukraine these days:


5. On the way to visit BIEM missionaries in the Republic of Georgia earlier this week, Sam Slobodian was able to make a stop in Turkey to visit a special orphanage that we have helped with War Relief funds. This orphanage houses nearly 600 Ukrainian children & youth that have been evacuated to Turkey. Many of them are war orphans, children of parents who have been killed in the war. It was a blessing to see how these children are being cared for and to see a location where BIEM is practicing James 1:27: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM