War Relief Updates - July 28, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. In Chernovtsy, Ukraine, a special conference was held to help and inform any volunteers involved in distributing war relief, including unbelievers. There, 6 souls came to Christ, and 3 others renewed their commitments to Christ. BIEM friends who attended declared this conference inspired them to continue serving, rebuilding their country, and aiding those in need.

2.  In a previous update, we mentioned the need for a replacement for our aged forklift, which stopped working and was too expensive to repair. By God’s grace and through the generosity of friends, our warehouse now has a brand-new, electrical unit that accomplishes all the heavy lifting and moving that our outmoded model did, yet in a more compact size. This new piece of equipment is a great help in hoisting and moving heavy pallets of war relief. Thank you to those who sent generous gifts to make this purchase possible!

3. In recent days, Russia’s escalation in firing missiles at cities all over Ukraine is continuing, with destructive consequences that affect BIEM’s church planters and those distributing war relief. One of those cities that was struck on July 21 is Goncharovsk, where our church planter Sasha Petrenko ministers.

While city authorities state officially that 2 civilians were killed, local residents say they could see the military base bore the brunt of that attack and that many military were no doubt killed. In the following video, Sasha describes this event, shows some of the destruction, and discusses their evacuation efforts.


4. The brother-in-law of BIEM’s Field Director for Central Asia was hauling a truckload of war relief toward Odessa in southern Ukraine. At one stop, a group of strongmen tried to shanghai him into the Ukrainian military right on the spot. Only by showing proof that he was exempt due to the great amount of humanitarian aid he regularly delivers did he barely restrain them. He remains a non-combatant civilian who is serving Ukraine (and the Lord!) without a uniform.

5. On July 26, Sam and Amy Slobodian left for Ukraine, where they will be participating in three different camps as well as surveying our relief efforts. Thanks to generous donations for tourniquets, they were able to bring a large case of these much-needed items with them. This delivery brings the total of specialized tourniquets BIEM has provided so far to around 300.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM