War Relief Updates - July 7, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. On July 6, a Russian cruise missile attack on Ukraine’s western city of Lviv struck an apartment building, killing at least 10 known victims. Local officials report another 42 people were wounded in this nighttime attack, which damaged 60 apartments and about 50 cars. BIEM church planter Yura Levtseniuk lives close to this site in Lviv. He has access to some of those who have been injured because he is a medic and happens to know some of them. BIEM’s War Relief fund has enabled Yura to aid some of them with their needs and to share the Gospel with them, especially with a man named Victor, who lost his legs and is facing difficult operations. Yura asks to pray for Victor and these others, that they would open their hearts to the Lord.

2. This weekend, 4 refugee families—a record—are traveling to visit BIEM in Indiana at the same time. It is a blessing to help and encourage them. However, as we do, in some of these cases we come to the sad realization that many of these people will not be returning to Ukraine even after the war is over. This is a loss for Ukraine in general, but since these people are Christians, this is also a loss for Ukrainian churches, which truly need workers. The longer the war continues, the less likely it is for Ukrainian refugees to return. Please pray for the war to end soon.

3. Normally, when you think of war relief (or humanitarian aid in general), you probably picture supplies of food and clothing. But in a wartime scenario, war relief can also take the form of something as simple as tourniquets. Through the following video link, Igor Fomichov tells the story of Nastya, a woman in Ukraine’s armed forces, whose life was saved, thanks to a tourniquet.


4. War Relief distributions continue to add people to the church. In Desna, for example, new faces have appeared in the services from among those receiving aid. Please pray for Luda to be saved. She is one of those who are now hearing the Word of God regularly. Also, there is Zhenya, who was recently released from prison and ended up in the church’s drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, where he was saved and is now growing in the Lord. Praise God!

5. In our May BIEMs of Light, we mentioned a woman named Ludmila, a medical doctor who began attending the new church plant in Ternopil’s Druzhba district. This church began largely as an effort to evangelize refugees through war relief and children’s ministries. Although Ludmila’s family members were atheist doctors, she herself was intrigued to learn more of the Bible. Now we’re delighted to share that Ludmila has placed her faith in Christ and has already expressed her desire to be baptized. Hallelujah!

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM