War Relief Updates - April 21, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. This week we are continuing to focus on bringing aid and the Gospel to the war front. Several trips are planned. Brother Pasha Usach is returning once again to Kherson. Pastor Igor from Dubno and Vitaly Bilyak will be traveling once again to the Donetsk area. When Vitaly goes to that area, he works with Sasha, a local pastor. This time he plans to stay over and preach in Sasha’s church.

2. Praise God, in Ternopil people continue to come to Christ at the new church, which is in a large community of war refugees. Brother Sergiy Koop reports that a lady from Donetsk has been saved along with a woman from Berdyansk in the Zaporizhzhia area, not far from Mariupol. Soon there will be baptism. Pray especially for a young man, Sasha, who has come to Christ but whose family is vehemently opposed to him being baptized. Please pray for their hearts to soften towards this. Also, pray for Ludmila, another refugee who is attending the new church. She herself states that she will get saved but needs more time to digest all the new information she is receiving. She is a medical doctor from a family of doctors, all of whom are atheists. In communicating with them about what she is learning about Christianity, one family member told her this: “One thing about those Christians I’ve learned from my many years of medical practice is that there is a huge difference in how Christians die in comparison to the rest of us. Christians die peacefully and with no fears or qualms, while all other people who die along with their loved ones experience a tremendous amount of anxiety and fear!”

3. There’s an interesting development from Goncharovsk, where the church in nearby Smolin has distributed much aid. Sasha Petrenko told us of an incident that resulted from one of the war-relief distributions. Waiting in line for aid stood a couple that everyone knew was not married. However, the man occupied a place near the back of the line to receive aid while his common-law wife was much closer to the front. They evidently intended to receive a double portion of the food being given out. When the man’s turn came, Sasha informed the man he could not receive a package of aid because his wife already had. He protested, saying, “But we are not married.” This led to a long discussion during which Sasha explained that his status was married due to the “common-law wife” principle, which applied to his case. During this long discussion, Sasha shared the Gospel with this man, who afterward began attending the church services and was saved! He then wanted to be baptized along with some others who had come to Christ. Sasha told him the church could not baptize him because he was living in sin through his common-law wife arrangement. A couple weeks later this man approached Sasha and said, “I’ve solved the problem. That woman is 100% opposed to Christianity although I’ve tried to convince her through many hours and days, which has made her even more opposed to my Christian life. Besides, she is a terrible alcoholic and a chain smoker, and I just can’t live that way anymore. So, I sent her away to go back to where she came from!”

4. Presently, we are concluding our trip to Ukraine by spending time in Lviv with brother Yura, whose church is also experiencing growth. One of their ladies is a blogger, whose blog posts on the Christian home have attracted many followers. The producers of a popular TV show called Super Mama contacted her about featuring her on one of their episodes. She asked Pastor Yura if she should do this. He replied that it might give her an opportunity to share her faith. Sure enough, that is exactly what happened. Since her life revolves around the church, where her whole family is involved, the camera crew came to the church and filmed several events. So, the church also appeared on the nationwide TV program viewed by millions of Ukrainians. I was able to watch a video of this broadcast and was blessed as Alla gave a strong testimony for Christ, adding how important the church was in their lives (even though the producers immediately afterward interviewed someone they said was a “Super Psychiatrist” who downplayed the positive influence of Christianity).

5. When we were in Bilogorodka, we were able to participate in yet another baptism and a distribution of aid to widows, including war widows. They all heard a clear Gospel message and received Christian literature and a New Testament in their package of aid. The ladies of the church prepared a wonderful meal, and the youth put on an amazing musical performance while the ladies ate. Pastor Eugene was especially glad because this event marked the first time in their history that all four neighboring homes had someone in attendance at a church service!

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM