War Relief Updates - April 6, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. Recently we shared with you that 20 soldiers who had been fighting in Bakhmut were being housed while on leave at Vitaly Yurchenko’s church in Chervona Sloboda. They keep strictly to themselves, which makes it difficult to get acquainted with them or to share the Gospel. The fact that they’ve been told they will be going right back to the battle in Bakhmut (which they call “The Meat Grinder”) doesn’t help their state of mind. Please pray for Vitaly and his church members as they try to find a way to penetrate this barrier.

2. I am leaving for Ukraine on Monday, May 10. Please pray for safety, for smooth border crossings, and that we can be an encouragement to our families there. We will be checking in on our War Relief distribution activities and meeting with many of our BIEM-supported men. Also on the schedule are Easter services (their Easter is a week after ours this year), a baptism, a special distribution for widows, and our Spring seminary session.

3. One of the many sad consequences of the war is that Ukraine’s already-high rates of alcoholism and drug addiction are spiking. Because of this, one of the classes in this seminary session will feature a special mini-conference on how to reach and minister to the addicted. Please pray for this conference, which will be not only for students but for pastors in the area.

4. Not long ago, Vitaly Bilyak completed his 9th trip to the war front. He and those who travel with him take these dangerous trips willingly to help those who are suffering. These men relish the opportunities to share the Gospel and distribute Bibles. You can view Vitaly’s video report from this trip at the following link. Notice how readily people receive New Testaments. This is receptivity is reminiscent of how eagerly people wanted God’s Word when the Iron Curtain came down.


5. I just spoke by phone with Pavel Usach. He and Sergei Skripnik, another one of our missionary pastors, are now in Kherson distributing aid and sharing the Gospel in this war-torn area. After they return soon, we will be able to share a report. In the meantime, they told me how, when they were searching for a place to stay, a family of unbelievers invited them to live in their home. When the two missionaries arrived, they were amazed at this generous invitation since the home was partially destroyed and the garage was in ruins! It is truly amazing to see how Ukrainians are banding together and sharing whatever little they have in order to survive these terrible times.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM