War Relief Updates - March 3, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Your donations to war relief are helping in ways you might not imagine. For instance, our people in Ternopil have developed close ties with local hospitals treating people injured in the war. Our missionary Vitaly Bilyak shares, “Thanks to your support, we have repeatedly helped the orthopedic trauma department. I have given them a lot of vitamins, multivitamin complex tablets, probiotics, other medicines, dressings… Our last help was extremely important – we purchased and donated a very important product called BoneVit. This preparation is used in treatment when part of the bone is missing. This happens often in war wounds, when shrapnel or a bullet shatters part of the bone into small pieces which are removed, but the limb is fixed. This product helps to restore bone function…. In addition to financial assistance, we try to give the Gospel to children in the hospitals. We have already made spontaneous visits to the wounded. Our brothers are organizing several teams to visit wounded soldiers in hospitals.”

2. When BIEM planted a church in the military town of Desna, it faced opposition from locals. An Orthodox priest warned people to have nothing to do with it. Others criticized, too. But due to the church’s involvement with humanitarian aid made from BIEM, local opinions are greatly changing. Igor Fomichov says, “One morning I received a call from the mayor’s office of our town. I was asked to gather everyone from our church who is involved with humanitarian aid and supporting people in this difficult time. We got together … and the mayor thanked us for our ministry and presented us with letters of thanks for our participation in service and support of the people. We are doing this primarily for God, but we know that in this way we glorify our Heavenly Father…. It’s a good reward and encouragement that people see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven.”

3. Exactly as some Ukrainian pastors predicted, the mass exodus of so many Ukrainians fleeing the war is having permanent repercussions on the nation and on families. After finding safety in new countries, refugees naturally seek out jobs and more stable places to live. They’re making new friends. So, rather than uproot themselves all over again after the war, many have already announced they will not return to Ukraine regardless of the war’s outcome. Many Christian refugees have made the same decision.

4. A couple of days ago, two volunteers from among our brethren were driving a large bus to evacuate a group of children near Kerson. Just 50 meters short of the location where the children were to be picked up, their bus was demolished by a mortar shell. Miraculously, both men survived even though seriously injured. One is facing amputation. Ukrainian believers are praising God that these brave men remain alive. They also praise God the children had not yet boarded the bus.

5. Igor in Desna reports that people in need are reaching out to them after hearing that their church can provide aid to those in need. He shares the story of Natasha and Sergei, a couple who phoned because their disabilities prevented them from traveling. Igor delivered the food and supplies they needed, for which they were sincerely grateful and listened intently as Igor shared the Gospel. Ira, the wife of a soldier who has been battling on the front lines for nearly a year, phoned and asked for help because she was succumbing to alcohol. They have 3 children. Please pray for Igor and our other believers who are ministering to many families like these who need the Lord.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM