War Relief Updates - February 10, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Last year, we shared how church planter Igor Fomichov and two other brothers from his church received medals from the Ukrainian military in recognition of their valuable actions in supplying humanitarian-aid meals to the local military. The church continues to aid both civilians and the military members. As a result, 8 more people in that church have been informed they will be receiving similar awards for their civilian contributions to the local military’s needs.

2. Vitaly Bilyak and his church-planter son-in-law Sergiy Koop have returned from another successful trip to beleaguered Donbas in the east of Ukraine. There, they distributed food aid, sleeping bags, and candles made possible by BIEM, but first they shared the Gospel, because “man doth not live by bread alone.” The recipients repeatedly thanked them, not just for the aid, but also for the simple fact that they cared enough to endanger themselves by coming.

3. In Ternopil, church planters Sergiy Koop and their wife Karina recently delivered some relief in the form of groceries with 2 women (among others) who are refugees from Donetsk. The recipients expressed openness and eagerness to learn what’s in the Bible. So, once again, a delivery of groceries has given birth to a home Bible study!

4. Due to his church’s experience in distributing aid made possible by BIEM, our missionary in Lviv, Yura Levtseniuk, received a question from the Polish consulate in his city. Could the church help distribute humanitarian from Poland among war refugee children in the Lviv area? Brother Levtseniuk appreciated that sign of trust and agreed to help. The church had already planned evangelistic meetings for such children, so this aid was distributed along with New Testaments. Praise God for unexpected provisions and opportunities!

5. Also in Lviv, when the Levtseniuks’ daughter was suffering from a physical condition, they rushed her to the hospital. There, she received the medical attention she needed, but the Lord also allowed Yura a conversation with the head physician. That doctor explained how their hospital regularly receives refugee mothers and children who are cold, hungry, and sick. The Levtseniuks and others returned with aid provided by BIEM and filled the shortages the hospital was experiencing. Yura declared, “We are now in a trusting relationship with the head physician. We brought children’s books, and New Testaments. I believe it’s the Lord who sends us these acquaintances.”

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM