War Relief Updates - January 13, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1.     Praise God for the good attendance at our Winter Seminary Session in Kyiv. Despite weeks of intense Russian attacks preceding the session, and despite the drones, missiles, and bombs that much of the country was enduring, our Ukrainian brethren decided to go ahead with classes. Many prayed that students would be able to overcome logistical obstacles to attend. We are glad to report that 22 registered students did attend. Plus, some others audited the courses, which brought the total attendance to 30.

2.     In another answer to prayer, we are relieved to report that in the areas where we’ve been traveling—in both Western and Eastern Ukraine—there have not been any new attacks from Russia. Sirens did sound one time, but that later proved to be the result of Russian planes taking off from a base in nearby Belarus. These planes later returned to base without crossing into Ukrainian airspace. Air raid sirens go off in Ukraine whenever Russian planes lift off from Belarusian airfields because there have been so many bombing attacks on Ukraine from Russian planes operating out of Belarus.

3.     In July, the Institute for Religious Freedom issued a report that Russian military activities had destroyed or ruined over 270 churches and “religious sites” in Ukraine. Although the IfR has not attempted to update exact figures, this was their conclusion in December: “We can foresee that in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, where hostilities are still ongoing, the scale of destruction of religious buildings will continue to increase. At the same time, this does not exclude the dangers to religious communities in western and central regions of Ukraine: as a result of missile strikes by Russian troops, even an Orthodox Church in Lviv was damaged. So, given the clearly unlawful methods of warfare that Russia is using, we can surely state that every religious community in Ukraine, regardless of its religious affiliation and regional location, is in danger to a certain degree.”

4.     Everywhere we go, Ukrainians express concern that Russia is preparing another invasion targeting Kyiv and will soon launch a second mobilization (this time aimed at conscripting 500,000 more men). Please pray this will not happen. Most analysts in the West do not believe such a scenario will take place, but here in Ukraine this is what their military and intelligence authorities are predicting.

5.     In direct response to the threat mentioned above, Ukraine is ramping up its military numbers by conscripting thousands more Ukrainians. BIEM personnel have felt the effects directly. An attempt at conscription was made upon Sergei Skripnik, our missionary in the western city of Borschiv. He was apprehended by a group of men who wanted to take him directly to a military recruiting station. It seemed to Sergei that the way they were going about it was illegal, especially when they refused to show him any identification. At that point, his wife began to film the incident on her phone. Her action prompted these aggressive men to abandon their efforts to conscript Sergei. Also, Igor Fomichov pastors the church in the military city of Desna and sits on the city council. At the last council meeting, military officials showed up and issued draft notices to Igor and all the men on the city council. This has happened in at least one other city. Please pray for Igor. You can imagine how concerned he and his family are, as well as all of us at BIEM. Compelling Igor into military service would be counterproductive to Ukraine, considering the immense amount of aid he has provided to both civilians and the military alike. In fact, the Ukrainian military bestowed medals on him and two others in his church in recognition of the huge help they have been. His conscription would also be a significant blow to our ministry efforts in that area. Pray that God would be gracious to the Desna church and keep their pastor in his place.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM