War Relief Updates - December 16, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. On December 14, the long-awaited container for which we have prayed so much finally arrived at the church in Ternopil, Ukraine. Let me say a heartfelt “Thank you” to all of you who joined us in praying for this load of aid and supplies to reach its destination after so many delays along the way. May God be glorified as this aid goes out to needy ones across multiple cities in the coming days!

2. Vadim, the military brother of one of our Ukrainian associates, has been in Bakhmut, probably the area of most intense fighting with many casualties daily on both sides. We were able to provide him with some extremely high-tech equipment, like a thermal imaging visor and a highly specialized compass. Those who delivered these items asked Vadim, “Is there anything else you need?” He immediately answered, “Our greatest need is prayer. God is the only one who can help us.” He then proceeded to tell how many in his unit who daily face death and destruction are turning to God, repenting of their sins, and trusting Christ as Savior. Praise God!

3. We are continuing to purchase generators for churches. (Today alone, another reported 76 Russian missiles were launched at Ukraine, again destroying portions of the energy grid). Just this week, BIEM purchased over $50,000 worth of generators in Ukraine, Poland, and Germany. We praise God and thank you, dear friends, for enabling us to bless people in this way.

4. Appreciation! Congregations are thanking us (and you, our supporters) for the gifts of warmth and light in their church buildings. Here’s an excerpt from one such church: “We remember you and thank you very much for helping to purchase the generator. Every time we start it, we remember you and sincerely thank you for your care…. When we told the senior members of the church that they could stay home from church if they are cold, they responded that [during Soviet times] they used to gather in the forest for worship services, so this temperature is still very good in such an anxious time.”

5. Brother Igor reports that one of the men in their Drug and Alcohol rehab program was contacted by his nephew Bogdan, who urgently wanted to join the military and defend Ukraine. Since Igor's ministry is on a Ukrainian military base, the church has many contacts and could assist Bogdan with such a placement. When Bogdan arrived, he began by visiting his uncle in the rehab center. There, during their regular sessions, he heard the Gospel, repented, and trusted Christ! He quickly concluded he needed to spend more time there to learn Bible truth and grow spiritually. So, he decided to stay even though he is not addicted to drugs or alcohol. Bogdan stated, “I came here to join the military and go to war so that I could be closer to the action. However, God has redirected me to get me closer to Him instead.”

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM